Guided Discussion: Understanding Amyloid-Modifying Therapies (French)
Description: Questions and answers about recent developments in amyloid-modifying therapies, with focus on monoclonal antibodies and the challenges of regulatory approval for new Alzheimer’s drugs
Runtime: 00:38:51
Speaker: Eric McDade, DO
Speaker title: DIAN Trials Unit Co-Director
Speaker organization: Washington University in St. Louis
Speaker: Mathias Jucker, PhD
Speaker title: Vice President of Clinical Development for Neurology
Speaker organization: University of Tübingen
Speaker: Jort Vijverberg, MD, PhD
Speaker title: Neurologist
Speaker organization: Amsterdam University Medical Centers
Speaker: Ingrid van Goor
Speaker: Randall Bateman, MD
Speaker title: DIAN Trials Unit Director
Speaker organization: Washington University in St. Louis
Speaker: Michael Irizarry, MD, MPH
Speaker title: Vice President of Clinical Development for Neurology
Speaker organization: Eisai
Speaker: Jetske van der Schaar, MSc
Speaker title: PhD Candidate
Speaker organization: Amsterdam University Medical Centers
Speaker: Egbert de Groot, PhD
Speaker title: Deputy Secretary
Speaker organization: National Health Care Institute, Netherlands
Event: 2023 Regional DIAD Family Conference: A New Era
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Year: 2023
Search tags: open-label extension, DIAN-TU-001 Trial, gantenerumab, solanezumab, biomarkers, amyloid plaques, amyloid PET scan, preclinical Alzheimer’s, monoclonal antibodies, clinical trials, primary prevention trials, regulation, drug approval, disease modification, combination therapy, inflammation