For Families

Your participation in our international research will move us closer to a world without Alzheimer’s disease.

The Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN) is involved in international collaborative research efforts to advance the understanding and treatment of dominantly inherited Alzheimer’s disease (DIAD). If your family is affected by this disease, please consider participating. As a participant, you will add to the global knowledge of how DIAD is diagnosed and treated and help researchers pursue ways to prevent or minimize its medical and social impact.

Meet the families making a difference

Meet the researchers and the families affected by DIAD who are partnering in groundbreaking research to find effective therapies for all forms of Alzheimer’s.

Get involved

Join the DIAN Expanded Registry

The registry is an international collection of individuals and families affected by DIAD and researchers studying the disease. Patient and family participation is crucial to developing better methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Volunteer for the clinical trial

Your participation is invaluable to researchers worldwide who are working to find better methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatments. If you have or are at risk for dominantly inherited Alzheimer’s disease, please consider participating.

Volunteer for the Observational Study

This long-running study allows researchers to monitor and identify changes in individuals who carry one of the gene mutations known to cause inherited forms of Alzheimer’s.

Check out other opportunities

If your family does not have Alzheimer’s disease caused by a mutation, you may still be eligible to participate in other Alzheimer’s studies. Research opportunities can be found at the following websites:

Participation benefits

Individuals and families who participate in our research have access to several resources.

Genetic testing — An opportunity to participate in a research study to see if the Alzheimer’s disease in your family is caused by a genetic mutation that causes DIAD.

Family conferences — International conferences that enable families and researchers to meet, share experiences and discuss the latest research efforts.

Webinars Online educational presentations are available biannually.

Confidentiality Notice:  All research data obtained from DIAN participants is kept strictly confidential. DIAN participants themselves are not told about their research results nor are the results provided to their primary physicians. This is necessary to carefully safeguard the data to minimize unintended consequences of disclosure for employment, insurability, and other considerations.