Fibroblast-Derived iPSCs in Alzheimer’s Disease and How They Are Helping Progress Our Understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease and Accelerate Treatment Advancements
Description: A panel discussion about recent developments in the use of stem cells to advance understanding and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
Runtime: 00:43:28
Speaker: Eric McDade, DO
Speaker title: DIAN Trials Unit Associate Director
Speaker organization: Washington University in St. Louis
Speaker: Steve Wagner, MS, PhD
Speaker title: Director of Neurodegenerative Research
Speaker organization: University of California, San Diego
Speaker: Eric Karran, PhD
Speaker title: Vice President, Distinguished Research Fellow and Site Head
Speaker organization: Foundational Neuroscience Center, AbbVie Neurosciences
Speaker: Celeste M. Karch, PhD
Speaker title: Associate Director, Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Network
Speaker organization: Washington University in St. Louis
Speaker: Lindsay Hohsfield, PhD
Speaker title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Speaker organization: University of California, Irvine
Event: 2018 DIAD Family Conference: From Coping to Hoping
Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Year: 2018
Search tags: systems pharmacology, drug development, amyloid beta-42, tau tangles, animal modeling, microglia, BACE inhibitors, stem cells, biomarkers, anti-tau antibodies