Author: Ellen
Alzheimer’s Disease: Daisy’s Story (Links to an external site)
Man looking for answers with new Alzheimer’s study (Links to an external site)
He has the disease and he’s lost five family members to it, now he’s enrolled in a study hoping to find some answers in Alzheimer’s disease.
Trial aims to prevent Alzheimer’s in those genetically predisposed (Links to an external site)
A first-of-its-kind study is testing the use of antibody drugs to prevent or slow down the onset of Alzheimer’s disease in individuals genetically destined to develop the illness at an early age.
Screening for Alzheimer’s Gene Tests the Desire to Know (Links to an external site)
The Hardest Test: Tucson family has hereditary Alzheimer’s (Links to an external site)
Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Network-Trials Unit on PBS (Links to an external site)
Brian and Amelia Cottle’s story: Living with early onset Alzheimer’s disease (Links to an external site)
Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network Trial Completes Participant Enrollment for Two Drugs in Phase II/III Study of Amyloid Therapies (Links to an external site)
34-year-old woman travels to Wash U for Alzheimer’s trial (Links to an external site)
A devastating disease that can rob you of your memory has an Alabama woman traveling to Missouri for help. The mother of three is taking part in a ground breaking study led by Washington University. Carrie Richardson, a 34-year-old preschool teacher and mother of three is in the fight of her life.