Obs Core Leaders
Randall Bateman, MD
Principal Investigator & Program Director
- Phone: 314-286-1674
- Email: batemanr@wustl.edu
Tammie L.S. Benzinger, MD, PhD
Imaging Core Co-Leader, Project 2 Co-Leader, Professor of Radiology
- Phone: 314-362-5950
- Email: benzingert@wustl.edu
Carlos Cruchaga, PhD
Genetics Core Co-Leader, Department of Psychiatry Associate Professor
- Phone: 314-286-0546
- Email: ccruchaga@wustl.edu
Alison Goate, DPhil
Genetics Core Co-Leader, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- Phone: 212-659-5672
- Email: alison.goate@mssm.edu
Brian Gordon, PhD
Imaging Core Co-Leader, Project 2 Co-Leader, Assistant Professor of Radiology
- Phone: 314-747-7354
- Email: bagordon@wustl.edu
Laura Ibanez, PhD, MS
Biomarker Core Leader, Project 3 Co-Leader, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology
- Phone: 314-273-3641
- Email: ibanezl@wustl.edu
Eric McDade, DO
DIAN-TU Co-director, DIAN Obs Associate Director, DIAN Obs Clinical Core Leader
- Phone: 314-286-1967
- Email: ericmcdade@wustl.edu